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I still remember my first day at Grmtech. And trust me – it was horrible.

April 8, 2010

It was a hot and humid day and I was perspiring like hell. Not because of the rising temperature but because of sheer nervousness. It was my first day at my first job. Not a joke guys!!! Anyway, after completing the formalities, I was ushered into the conference room. I was asked to sit there for a few minutes before getting introduced to the content team. But that minutes turned to hours and it was not before 4pm when I was finally reached upstairs and met the content team.

I was already exhausted and sleepy by then. Actually, I had already slept for an hour or two in the dark conference room. There was a huge power cut and there was no electricity throughout the day. I was dead bored and didn’t know what else to do. :P.- Anyway, by the time I reached upstairs, 80% of the working hours was already over. I was shown my workstation and then given a pile of papers to read and within an hour or two, the day was over.

Frankly speaking, I hated my first day at Grmtech. So much so that after I returned home, I told my parents that I was not going back there. I hated the whole experience. My parents listened, consoled and suggested to continue there for at least 6 months to gather experience.

April 9, 2010 onwards …

It was a nightmare for me but still I went there. The next day was not that bad. It was better than the previous day. I survived.

Next few months were excruciating. It was like I have gone back to SCHOOL. Studies, tests and writing. There was not a moment to lose, breathe or gossip. Everyday, I used to think when the office would be over. More than that, when I could go out of that office. I was determined to leave that office before the dreaded 6 months.

Six months went and gone. In fact, 60 months have come and gone and I’m still here – at Grmtech. And I’m absolutely loving it.

Grmtech – A wonderful place to learn new things

I don’t know when I got emotionally attached to Grmtech. I really don’t know. May be the homely atmosphere, wonderful and notorious colleagues brought it close to my heart. And after spending 5 years here, I can at least say one thing – this is an amazing place to learn new things and make friends.

Yes, Grmtech taught me a lot of things. From framing a proper official mail to developing content on various financial topics to creating infographics – Grmtech has really done a lot for me. It was here where I learnt writing financial articles and that too SEO based. That was not all, I learnt writing content in various formats – video scripts, blogs, podcasts, infographics, reviews, how to articles, interviews, comic skits, FAQ, etc. Special mention must be made of Susmita Ghosh, who taught me how to be an independent content writer. She ushered me into the SEO world through digital content and then let me explore it as much I could. The other person who guided me to experiment with different content formats is Mr. Manojit Dey. Thanks Sir for helping me.

That is not all. Apart from learning the various dynamics of content development, Grmtech taught me another skill and that is how to manage team and be a graceful professional. The learning process has just begun and I’m enjoying each and every part of it.

Last one year

Many people have come and bid adieu to Grmtech. I have learned something or the other from each and everyone. Each one had an unique quality which always inspired me.

I miss my team – the full-fledged content team. The hullaballoos, competition, gossips, everything. But then life goes on and people move on. But I wish each and everyone the very best in life.

Several things have changed in this one year. Teams have been reshuffled , new work style has been adopted and everyone is geared up. This is a new phase for all of us. Hopefully, our hard work will soon bring fruitful results.

Last 5 years

The journey has been amazing – from being a content writer trainee to a digital content writer cum trainer. There were ups and downs, confrontations and accolades, anxieties and hearty laughter. I have enjoyed each and everything. And I hope Grmtech would give me many more special moments to cherish and enjoy.